Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I should be...............

getting ready for this work event....but I am not.  I am procrastinating to the nth degree.  I am not pleased, nor unpleased with my job and that is the problem.  I love what I do, have always loved my position within my company until late last year.  Things changed dramatically.....Why should you ask, well there were issues, underemployment, not enough time in a 24 hr day to get things done...so they brought in a new boss.  Yes....

I don't even want to talk about how degrading and everything else that felt.  So here I am....plugging along at a job I LOVED to say it's ok.

I think there are brighter horizons on my future!  Maybe not here, but somewhere.

Ok, another note, I am disallusioned about breakups.  That to me means clean cut, done, no talk, no more....

Ok, Maybe you have another perception of this....I don't.  Strict, stringent, pigheaded...I don't know..but I am so sore when he calls.  Which is quite frequent now, gleeful, happy like when we dated....WTF happened....seriously, I don't get it.  The latest, tonight, he calls, I am on my way out for three days, TX and NM be home late Sat afternoon.  Ok, give me a pause but doesn't that sound like a conversation with two people who are dating??? I am confused, disallusioned and yes Pissed at the whole scenario....

So with that I do need to get ready to go to the production tonight called work....Absolut Berri Acai, for those whole like vodka it's the newest thing...for me...eh

Maybe I will blog when I get home from the festivities...maybe not...

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